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Greetings from the 2-D world! Unfortunately, my Visa did not get approved before we left the States, but that couldn't stop my flat self from making the trek to India. My journey began with my own seat on the first flight and my own overhead bin on the second. Nothing like traveling in style! I've gotten lucky....Thank goodness Mark checked me in for that first flight and that I cleared customs once we reached India. My journey continues on day two of the India Impact. 


We visited the Asian School of Business (ASB). Here, David, Evan, and Ali presented to the ASB students on renewable energy initiatives in the United States. In return, ASB had students and Indian technology leaders enlighten us on current issues with Indian power grids, wind and solar power efforts, and emerging smart metering technology. We concluded our visit with an elegant buffet style lunch. I even went back for seconds. My diet plan has been working out. I've lost a lot of weight while maintaining my flat physique. 























Day 2 - Life in 2D at ASB

Flat Ben (Mason Jones and Alison Lusk), 13 August 2013, 22:45


For the second half our day, we braved the roads of Kerala to visit Sree Chitra, a innovative biomedical research facility. We had the opportunity to visit labs while learning about up and coming cardiac equipment and fibrin applications in stem cell research. We also got to hang out with the lab research animals. The rabbits were my size, but unfortunately they did not let me ride one. With my legs being only two inches long, Mason and Alison have been helping me get around today. 


In the evening every one else went to the beach, but they were afraid I would get blown over by a stiff breeze and end up in the ocean. I may be made of cardstock, but I don't think my body can handle the waves of monsoon season.


Today has been a long and challenging day, but also an exciting day for what lies in store. I would have to say though the most challenging part of my day was typing this blog with no fingers, talk about talent.


Until next time!


Flat Ben

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